Monday, April 16, 2012

When I find myself working at Midnight...

... I sometimes find myself needing to take advice from my friends over at Facebook.  I'm beat from the weekend and heading to bed.
I'm not exactly sure what S was referring to, but for me, I simply need to call it quits for the night and resume my editing tomorrow.  I have hit that 'wall' where I no longer feel like I am capable of making quality progress with my edits.  Tomorrow I will have fresh eyes and be able to do better work!

Even though I didn't have to go to work this weekend, I feel like I have been working nearly the whole weekend!

Saturday, I was supposed to film the UC Bearcat Bands at the 2012 Bearcat Bowl VI and then head to Loveland to finish working on the video project I started for Greater Impact Ministries on Thursday.  Lucky for my busy schedule, the Bearcat Bowl was rained out and I was able to start on my video editing a little earlier than planned.

From yesterday's post, you will know that the firewire cable that was checked out with the camera was more or less a dud.  After checking both Micro Center and a well known competitor, I opted to buy a cable for $14 Micro Center option and save myself the $25 extra dollars from the well known competitor.

At this point, I was able to digitize and organize 90-ish minutes of footage split between two tapes into the 8 respective editing documents.  I finished at 11pm last night.  I wiped the tapes with black and headed to bed.

This morning I set out to take some still photos of the Daughters of Sarah class that Greater Impact Ministries taught.  In addition to the still photos, I also helped out with today's videography.  Let me be the first to tell you--the Canon XF100 is a fun little camera.

After the DOS class, we headed home to finish the end of Thursday's video shoot.  After lunch I spent another few hours digitizing and organizing that footage.  I won't lie. I took a nap after that.

Most recently I have been editing on the first segment, which needs to be finished this week.  As much as I love editing, I am beat.  I'll continue anew tomorrow.

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