Saturday, April 14, 2012

Technical Difficulties make...

... digitizing video a difficult process.  After deciding that the firewire that my friend checked out with the camera from the school library may or may not work, I am currently in stand still mode on my edit.  Needing to digitize approximately 90 minutes of video (split between two tapes), I have thusly been able to digitize 03:31 of one tape. Yay.

On the positive side, here is a still from the short snippet of video I was able to digitize!  I think it looks pretty sharp!

To attempt to quickly remedy the situation (as I need to have the cameras returned to the library on Monday) we will be taking a scenic trip to the local Micro Center where I will have an awesome opportunity to invest in myself by breaking and buying a firewire cable.  I have avoided this for several years, but it seems today is the day.

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